MtLawleyShire playing in Black and White

Yes, I’ve been at it again.  The flame trees have such wonderful arrangements and in black and white, there is no distraction of colour.  Just the structure of branches and flowers – & sometimes birds in striking designs against featureless white:

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But today, I also took other shots that I thought I would play with.

A Jacaranda tree with light pouring through the feathery foliage:

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A cape lilac bare of all but sunlight and stark shadows and last summer’s berries:

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and a Grevillea flower:

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I am enjoying this play – though I really should be writing…


MtLawleyshire’s flame tree & honey eaters

Yes, it was sunny enough for photos, but it was windy too – and the singing honey eaters were more interested in lying and fighting than feeding this afternoon.  But I go some good shots.

First, though, just the scarlet flowers against the blue sky – so striking:

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soaked in sun against the trunk of the old flame tree:

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Or against the green of a neighbouring tree:

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Finally, I got some shots of the wee birds:

flame tree_1  flame tree_2


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And this one – I was lucky enough to get 2!  Before they started quarrelling, that is 🙂

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And this little one perched on a century old flame tree cropped so much it had no flowers:

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A painted sunset in MtLawleyShire

Yes, another sunset in MtLawleyShire – and a strange one.  As the afternoon closed down, clouds built, rushing towards the west, bulking dark and ominous, but their outriders glowed:

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At the sun’s point of departure, the clouds were heavy and it seemed that sunset was over before it had begun:

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then the sun itself slipped below that heavy layer of grey.  I was fascinated with the subtle changes in the clouds:

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Then the colour intensified:

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It began to resemble a mediaeval painting of the Devil’s Inferno:

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& as the light faded, so did the colour:



& then I ran out of space on the memory card.  🙂