Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique

This WEekly photo Challenge: Unique presented what might be loosely termed a unique challenge.  I didn’t think I would have anything to contribute at all.

I started going through my photos, looking at things, wondering whether they would be considered unique, and found some and as I went on, found more.  Some of them you will have seen, some, maybe not.  They are all, however, moments, singular, caught, and gone, recorded here.  All of them unique moments amongst all the other moments.

First, the unique in that it was unexpected:

A sparrowhawk chick in an inner city park & an altercation I witnessed between a swan and a heron at Hyde Park:

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a flock of ibis at sunset:


Then the unique things you come across in the day-to-day walking to and from:

a painted wall on a cafe (now closed) & a – well, I don’t know what it is, but it’s part of the Fringe Festival in Northbridge:

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The unexpected view of something common, making it unique:

The view of the moon between buildings and the use of spaghetti strainer:

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more spaghetti strainers (these are also part of the Fringe Festival – all held light globes)

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a solitary pumpkin flower, its colour unique within the green:


Then I began thinking – every time I see something, it is unique.  It will be different each time.

The moon and its phases, each night unique – along with me learning settings on the camera!

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Full moon


Moon rise one night:

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waning moon – seen in the morning:


Waning moon just after a late rising.


Then there are trees – each is unique.

A peppermint tree – no 2 are the same & this one is delightfully twisted.


The unique shapes of branches on the lemon scented gum (the 2nd looks like a hand cupping the leaves)

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The unique bark of a scribbly gum:


Sunsets.  Every moment, every night, is unique, even those that are bare of cloud and therefore not suitable for photos, all are unique

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& of course, my little fatty cattee, my little fluffy darling, is unique amongst cats:

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I enjoyed this challenge, and hope I haven’t gone overboard.  I could’ve included soooooooooo many more 🙂



Weekly Photo Challenge – Merge


This was a difficult Weekly Photo Challenge as I have nothing fancy in my photographs. I haven’t got that far with editing skills.  And I am also a little short of time, but I saw The Urge to Wander’s Post and though – well, maybe.


The merging of air and water: RAIN!

It is almost the end of winter in Perth and we have had less than half our average of winter rainfall.  So I celebrate it.

This time, I was in Hyde Park when it rained, and it was only a brief shower:


And here, I caught the merging of rain fall and sunlight on the tree and one of the ponds:

Then there is the daily merging of dark and light, night and day, and in this photo, there is the additional merging of moisture and winds to make a magnificent thundercloud catching sunsetty light.  The cloud is in the couth east:

These two are the merging of day and night also – clouds catching the last of the sunlight, and in the first, merging it to the soft pastels of winter:


This last is a glorious winter sunset with the rays of the setting sun merging with moisture in the air to blast colour into the darkening sky, merging the nearest clouds into a like-minded brilliance.

Hmm.  Not a brilliant interpretation, I am thinking, but I hope you enjoyed my entry into this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Merge.

& I would’ve linked more but apparently, I’m limited to 10.