MtLawleyShire’s hunt for wildflowers #2: orchids, lilies, triggers and devils

This is the first of two posts of flowers from another bush reserve in the northern suburbs of Perth.  It was the first sunny day of this remarkable Spring and I walked quite a few kilometres around the area, delighting in all the flowers.

There were so many donkey orchids!  I do love these, so bright.  The grow on tall stems and lie flat with their delightful faces up to the sun and when you see them in large groups, they are like a golden wave.  I couldn’t get a decent photo of that but here are some examples:

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trigger plants – these are tiny, thing little things, like stars on the sand.  And just as numerous so you can’t really walk into their midst because you’d crush them:

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Cowslip orchids – they are fading, sadly.

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These made me whoop out loud!  Fringed lily.  It’s the first time I had seen one, and aren’t they lovely!

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Now this – this is a purple (obviously!) enamel orchid.  They are not large flowers, but not as small as you’d think and their colour makes them stand out in striking contrast to the plants around them.  They too are fading, but there are some here that look pretty good.

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Yes – this is a flower – that tall spike is the flowering spike of the grass tree.  It also gives you an idea of the bushy surrounds.  Managed, yes, but being restored to something that resembles the area’s native flora.  The sounds of the birds was astonishing.


And this – this is a blue devil.  The picture on the left is before it opens, and then – open.  Isn’t it glorious!

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I hope you have enjoyed this part of Part 2.  Next one coming…