A little walk in MtLawleyShire – flowers, trees, sunset and moonrise

Another little walk (to get cat biscuits and bread) & in the hot windy late afternoon – so much beauty which was unexpected.  I had thought most roses would be scorched by the sun & I didn’t expect all the trees with blossom!

Roses – sweet things amongst sun-scorched ruins of older blooms:

amongst ruins  wee walk_26


pretty pink ones:

amost perfect pink wee walk_1

Ones like vanilla ice cream with raspberry topping (as a friend described it) and lovely yellow:

folds young yellow rose

gloriously sun-kissed :

gloriously sunlit

and rich, beautiful red:

rich red rose


wee walk_2  wee walk_3


wee walk_4

native eucalypt blossom:

yellow blossom_1  wee walk_5

wee walk_19  wee walk_27


this is a pigeon-berry bush – yes, bush.  This particular specimen is over 100 years old and has been saved by people who have also saved a lovely old heritage listed place, turning it into a family hoe complete with 2 dogs & a gorgeous garden.  The strange shape is apparently quite strong, though it has lost some branches.

wee walk_7  wee walk_8

My lovely friend, the lemon-scented gum:

wee walk_11 wee walk_13

wee walk_12

A tree in someone’s backyard now visible because three old houses on William Street were demolished – there will probably be boxy ugly flats with no gardens at all erected.  I am glad to see this tree and even gladder it is safe in someone else’s backyard:

wee walk_6  wee walk_15

Peppermint tree & ancient eucalypt – the one with the soft fluffy yellow blossoms (those I always associate with May Gibbs Snugglepot and Cuddlepie)

wee walk_14 wee walk_17

Tall trees growing straight on a street verge:

wee walk_20   wee walk_16

wee walk_22

wee walk_23

Jacaranda in sunlight and pied beauty on the corner of William Street:

wee walk_24  wee walk_25

Sheoak leaves against the sky:

wee walk_30

Sunset: quiet with wind calligraphy written in a light pen:

wee walk_29  wee walk_31

wee walk_37  wee walk_10

the clouds low on the horizon looked like a wave of flames – presaging the heat gone & to come the next day:


wee walk_34  wee walk_39

wee walk_32  wee walk_35

wee walk_36

And then, the moon:

wee walk_28  wee walk_38

wee walk_33

full moon and golden

Finally, last glow of light in the sky


yes – it was a busy little afternoon walk 🙂  I hope that this has not been too many photos…

Out of MtLawleyshire – Trees at Murdoch University & Matilda Bay

I have had a busy week and while there have been no sunset photos for the end of the week, there have been lots of trees.

It is Festival season in Perth, and within the Perth festival is the Writer’s Festival – & I am a writer, of sorts.  This year, I actually attended an event at the University fo Western Australia, but before that, I was invited to attend a Q&A with China Mieville at Murdoch University in the southern suburbs.  It was an excellent talk.  He’s a very articulate engaging character, which is to be expected from his books (my favourite is The City & The City).  But, though he would probably raise his eyebrows at this, it was also a chance to look at trees.

Murdoch University has wonderful native grounds, filled with mostly natives.  But not just trees – flowers:


white grevillea_murdoch  grevillea_murdoch

This – so reminiscent of a flame tree flower, but it isn’t.  Glorious red 🙂

red flower_murdoch

Eucalypt blossom:

blossom_murdoch  blossom_murdoch_2

& the nuts they leave behind:


Water lilies:


& this

murdoch_bamboo baby

Grows into this:

murdoch_bamboo  murdoch_bamboo_1

Now the trees. I don’t know what this is, but its brilliant green is striking, and the duller yet graceful shape of a sheoak:

murdoch_brilliant green  murdoch_trees_2

Wonderful tree with almost furry bark:

murdoch_trees  trees_murdoch

Cape Lilac in the outside cafe:

cape lilac_murdoch  cape lilac_murdoch_2

These are just beautiful from various places around the campus:


grace_murdoch  above it all_murdoch

& this is the trunk of a massive tree:


Finally, two towering trees soaring into the inconstant, uneven sky of a terribly hot day threatening rain and delivering none:

tall_murdoch  matilda by_8

A plane tree in the city as I made my way home:

city plane tree

& this?  At the small park in West Perth just down from where I teach – a peppermint tree looking like a jungle unto itself:

peppermint tree jungle

Today, I attended a talk by China Mieville & the wonderful Margaret Atwood.  They played so well off each other, and Margaret Atwood is such a character – so sharp & funny & wonderfully subversive.  I love her writing, have heard her talk often and this was just as wonderful.  China Mieville was a wonderful partner for her.  Of course, with his genre writing, her novels Oyrx & Crake and After the Flood (as well as The Handmaid’s Tale)  were under discussion along with his novels  (& mention of  a book the talk reminded me of that I want to read for the PhD: Hoban’s Riddley Walker).

And although I had no time to wander along the river, everywhere you go around the University of Western Australia and Matilda Bay there are trees:

a Moreton Bay fig dappled in the inconstant sunlight today:

moreton bay fig_matilda bay

matilda bay_1 soaring_murdoch

A scribbly gum and another:

matilda bay_5  matilda bay_4

just trees – a strip of manicured wilderness between roads and car parks, paperbarks and others:

matilda bay_3  matilda bay_4

in the university grounds as I hurried towards the lecture theatre – white trunk amidst intense green:

matilda bay_8

& this wonderful tree on the corner of a carpark:

matilda bay_2  matilda bay_6

matilda bay_7

& then it was time to go in, and after that?  Time to go to work.  No more trees till, maybe tomorrow.

& today, it rained.  A little.  Enough for me to make my students laugh as I ran outside to dance about in it.  In the middle of the city.  Oh dear 🙂  But it was such a relief after a cooler, though intensely humid day, and tonight, I will have to have a light blanket.  Much better than the 40 degree celsius of the two days before!

I hope you enjoyed my trees.  I enjoyed looking at them, and the activities of the two days 🙂

MtLaweyShire sunset – Wednesday 20 February

After so many bland glaring sunsets, one with clouds was a gift – & it was spectacular, changeable and beautiful.

Of course, there was more to the sunset than just sunset.  There were roses in other people’s gardens:

against evening  red

There were even birds” New Holland Honeyeaters on a wire outlined by a thunderhead in the east, just touched by sunsetty glow

against thunderheads

The sun through the clouds was a glory:


The clouds themselves a low patchy roof of the heat of the day:

sunset_21  sunset_22

Light pouring down in gold, rendering distance magical – actually it’s only the next suburb, but it looks so mysterious:

sunset_19  sunset_30


Somehow the clear sky away from the clouds lost importance:

sunset_31  sunset_25

sunset_27  sunset_26

sunset_29  sunset_33

Then the colours deepened, turned powerful and almost sullen, heavy:

sunset_16   sunset_8

before attaining a touch of gold to lift it into beauty:

sunset_17               sunset_18

the light leaving the sky, concentrating on the massive cloud structures:

sunset_15  sunset_32

sunset_34 sunset_35

sinking, taking the colours and brilliance with it:


sunset_9  sunset_10

touches of sunset-coloured virga in the north:

sunset_11  sunset_12

In the eastern sky, clouds and blue skies:

sunset_28  sunset_24

In the west as sunset faded, just the grey of clouds touched here and there with sunsetty light:

sunset_4  sunset_36

till finally, nothing but the charred remains of day,

sunset_7 sunset_13

of cloud,

sunset_3  sunset_5

of sunset:

sunset_1  sunset_2

Finally, the moon, sailing serene above the clouds

within clouds

& free of them all later in the evening:

tonight's moon

It was wonderful seeing such a sunset.  I hope the weekend brings more.



An evening walk in MtLawleyShire – and Jupiter!

I went for a walk down to Beaufort Street a couple of days ago, but haven’t had a chance to post – working and so on.  And I am still not used to the settings on my camera – or checking them before I take photos, so these roses are in light too low for crisp detail.

The first of these seems to have light inside it & all I can think of is that it caught the light of the lowering sun.  The 2nd is just a pretty bud.

inner light  rosebud

& these – the orangey one is overblown, but still beautiful, considering that most roses I saw that evening were scorched by the hot sunny days we’ve had recently.

pretty  still beautiful

A tree loaded with pomegranates – ripe-looking pomegranates.  Maybe I should’ve nicked one or 2!


Late afternoon light on the branches of a lovely tall gum on William street, and the second photo is of my ‘pied beauty’ friend, also on William Street.  These 2 trees are almost opposite one another.  One is a sort of street tree, the other grows in the grounds surrounding a block of flats.

light on a trunk  pied beauty

On a side road, this tree, spindly and untidy, soars gracefully into forever and light behind a box tree adds mystery & magic:

into the sky  light behind branches

The wonderful shapes of the lemon scented gum street trees: they keep them lopped so they don’t entangle the power lines.

lemon-scented street tree  contorted branches_2

contorted branches

And then – I saw a pair of galahs – they started far apart, but then began to groom each other:

galahs_7  galahs

galahs_3  galahs_2

galahs_4  galahs_5


I finished my shopping and began walking home.  Sunset glow was visible ahead of me, behind the rise:


At the top of the rise – William Street, the glow was broad:

beyond  wide sky

To the east, the pastels were beautiful.  The second of these is the same tree that up above has light on its trunk:

easter pastels  evening pastels

And although there were no clouds, nothing to differentiate the sunset, I had to take photos of that tree:

that tree_2 that tree_3

that tree_1

& finally – lastly – the moon.


It turned out to be  the piece de resistance!

I caught – without knowing what it was – the occultation (or the beginnings of) the moon with Jupiter.  I actually got Jupiter in my little camera!!  OK, very small, unbanded, totally undetailed Jupiter, but it *is* Jupiter!

tonight's moon with jupiter in attendance



A quiet sunset in MtLawleyShire – and the fat fluffy cat


It was a very subtle sunset.  A cloudy day with not much more than the scent of precipitation – the forecast showers did not eventuate, and then, by the time sunset arrived, all the clouds were gone.

Very disappointing, though the fattee cattee didn’t seem to mind:

look at that tummee

Then she got impatient for DINNAH!


unimpressedcatching wisdom

I went to check silhouettes in the next street: that golden sky.  I almost forgave the lack of clouds.

copper an attempt at red

I loved the light on this tree:


catching lowering light

& walked around the block for a different view of the sky and found intense gold and colour framed in foliage:

brief gold leafy frame

a tree in a garden – slightly caught in the light:

against evening

The wider view showed how slight the sunset was:

empty of all but glare


I went back to the first street, passing my girl on the way:

my gorgeous girl_2


The silhouette was lovely, the wider view showing a few golden puffs of cloud


almost the end of it         little clouds

There were soft pastels in the south east:

eastern colour  eastern pastels

The sunset disappeared rapidly, leaving subtle shades in the west:

subtle colours  s_colours


She is thinking evil thoughts:

the thoughts are evil

Then – oh!  What was that?  Grrr: noisy neighbours.

noisy neighbours crumbs what was that


why doesn't she just feed me

Tonight’s moon:

tonight's moon

& time for dinnah ?

my gorgeous girl_1

It was 🙂

Out of MtLawleyShire – an afternoon at Matilda Bay

An afternoon too hot and time poor to wander too far, with the river unstill and sparkling in the endless sunlight.  But it was nice to stop for an hour, have a coffee with a dear friend, before we both went back to our respective work.

There were so many swans!  On the ground in front of me on the path I took towards the tea rooms.  They have very big feet!  The second of these swan photos (it’s the same swan) paused at the foot of something larger:

Matilda Bay_2  Matilda_bay_3

A large, graceful paperbark:

Matilda Bay_7  Matilda Bay_5

& its flower:

Matilkda Bay_6

A plane tree, leaves burnt by the long heatwave, and the same damage can be seen in the leaves of the flame tree outside the tea rooms:

Matilda Bay_3  Matilda Bay_28

& this one: I am fascinated by its knobbly trunk and the way its branches have grown:

Matilda Bay_4

A cormorant on a post in the river & later I caught him just coming up from a dive:

Matilda Bay_14  Matilda Bay_26

Swans on the river:

Matilda Bay_1  Matilda Bay_17

Matilda Bay_13  Matilda Bay_11

I think this is the River family all grown up:

Matilda Bay_25  Matilda Bay_24

Matilda Bay_29

& sometimes the ubiquitous gull makes a statement: on the beach & against infinity:

Matilda Bay_22  Matilda Bay_18

There were ravens – the 2nd photo is definitely ‘quothing’:

Matilda Bay_20  Matilda Bay_21

Matilda Bay_27

The city from across the river: that infinite blue sky speaks of the heat:

Matilda Bay_10  Matilda Bay_23

Wider views towards the hills, with little bits of wind calligraphy & the long tidal ripples in the river:

Matilda Bay_31  Matilda Bay_30


Through the doorway of the tea rooms: it looks so invitingly green

Matilda Bay_8           Matilda Bay_9

My favourite cedar: foliage & trunk with a patch of sunlight:

Matilda Bay_15  Matilda Bay_16


Matilda Bay_19

& at work, in the small gardens on the corner of 2 busy roads: a bush with tiny white flowers – & a bug!

white flower  and a bug

Finally, home later at night: the moon:

tonight's moon

Hopefully, there will be a gradual cooling.  & hopefully next time I am there, I will have more time.

No sunset photos tonight, as the sky is clear, but I will be able to shoot the moon 🙂

I hope you enjoyed my little afternoon out before work.

Monday’s sunset over MtLawleyshire


All day it was cloud pressing in the heat, but not one drop of rain.

It will be the same tomorrow.

I was impressed with the sunset though:



A magpie coloured by the amazing light.




A hint of virga in the violently coloured clouds

sunset_9  sunset_14


sunset_16  sunset_11


sunset_15  sunset_8



sunset_5      sunset_13

looking up William Street – clouds behind the city:


I wanted more detail of those molten gold clouds

sunset_20  sunset_7



& the sun appeared, for almost the first time the entire day:


sunset_20  sunset_24

but it went again

sunset_3  sunset_18

sunset_10  sunset_17

and the sky turns to gold as the sun sinks below the clouds, leaving them turning to dark & grey, and below the horizon, leaving the hot world to a restless night.


I will miss tomorrow’s sunset but I have hopes for Wednesday 🙂

Or maybe tomorrow evening will have some thunderheads…



Trees in MtLawleyshire’s Hyde Park

These are from a walk I did earlier in the week  & it was a strange place to be, Hyde Park, filled with works and diggings.  It’s impossible to take photos in some areas and they still have no idea what they are going to do with the island they have razed in the middle of the eastern pond.  It remains a terrible eyesore and must bewilder the birds that used to shelter there.

hyde park_the island

They are digging up near some of the paths – the intention is to install a bio-remediation area – a reedbed to you & me.  This will clean the water that comes down from the roads into the ponds and help remove the toxicity from the mud which poisons the birds.  A good thing.  But the park at the moment is very difficult to walk around – bobcat tractors and cars and mechanical diggers, piles of sand and dirt, workmen and utes and trucks and cars, neon orange plastic fencing.

It’s a mess.

Yet the trees rise above it all, mostly.  The plane trees have suffered, their lower limbs lopped off, surrounded by the piles of sand and the plastic fencing.  I did get some reasonable shots.  In the 1st two, this is obvious, but I still love the strength in their trunks:

hyde park_10  hyde park_11

& in these, replete with leaves, glorious in sunlight:

hyde park_7  hyde park_6

This guy is so massive he rises above everything:

hyde park_12

Shapes of trees.  I don’t know what the first is, but I love the shape of the peppermint tree next to it, & I’ve posted photos of this tree before.  Possibly not from this angle:

hyde park_4  hyde park_3

The bush – paperbarks and tangle – on the western island:

hyde park_5

& here are the willows they wanted to remove.  They have been saved, but are going to be ‘managed’ – I don’t really like the sound of that.

hyde park_8

Finally, the Moreton Bay figs – nothing seems to bother them – though there were a few I couldn’t photograph because of blocked paths, etc:

hyde park_9  hyde park_13

hyde park_14  hyde park_2

hyde park_1

& one of the few paths still untroubled by ‘works’:

hyde park_15

I didn’t make it for a walk this morning – got up too late and then it was too hot.  Hopefully Wednesday.  Tomorrow, I think it might be Matilda Bay… in the heat.

The river will, at least, make a semblance of cool…


Subdued Sunset in MtLawleyshire

You’d think, with the heat, there’d be a fierce sunset of virulent colours, but no.

It was almost subdued.  Almost.  There was something about the understated nature that was menacing, threatening.  It’s beauty is likewise understated.

first – light slanting across the road & picking out emerald verdant green from the street trees

sunset_7  sunset_15

The sky was smeared with cloud, blurring and swallowing the light:

sunset_1  sunset_2

It didn’t intensify, but darkened – the clouds were only in a small area.

sunset_3 sunset_4

sunset_8  sunset_6

One moment of intense glory


The clouds radiated out without taking colour with them

sunset_9 sunset_10

Wind driven calligraphy

sunset_11 sunset_12

the clouds themselves were beautiful, but it was all so static, understated.


the long view is less static and implies the sense of distance between me, across miles of urbanity, to an unseen, unreachable horizon where the sun slips behind the clouds into the darkened sea.


There was no further colour.  THe ramparts of clouds swallowed all, waiting for the heat tomorrow.


A walk in the heat in MtLawleyShire

It’s the 2nd day of a heatwave where not once day will dip below the old century, & today it will go well over.  I didn’t set off as early as I wanted to due to various hold-ups, so only walked around where I lived a few decades ago, and though the heat is too much for any flowers, I found a rose or 2 unspoiled by the fierce sun:

red rose

pink roses  pink rose

and trees 🙂

I was taken by the patterns in box tree bark (& thought of Wanderlust Gene as I did)

boc tree bark_2 box tree bark

& here, the papery bark of a paperbark tree:

paperbark tree bark_1  paperbark tree bark_2

paperbark tree bark_3  paperbark tree bark_4

this particular paperbark tree is in a very unphotogenic spot – no matter the angle, the tree is diminished by cars or badly designed modern housing (in what used to be a heritage area).  So, this is all I could take.  I will keep trying.


I came across a lovely Grevillea with a few flowers:

acarket grevillea

& the gnarled, scrappy, scratchy, untidy peppermint trees.  Their girth, their relative lack of height in relation to their girth which increases as they get older somehow add to their attractiveness for me.  And the scent of them 🙂

age delicate stolidity

Intricacies of age:

untidy  intricacies of age and trunk

This little guy popped down onto grass in front of me.  Hopping all over the place.  I was lucky to get this one, almost unblurred shot!

willy wagtail_1

A streetside Plane tree – all cropped on one side.  It looks so peculiar! Esp compared to the grace of the unpruned box tree:

areetside plane tree  gracious box tree

A gardenscape:


White tree limbs against a sea of wind-tossed foliage and a tree dark against the day

white limbs within tossing green  sunlight and shadow

Young lemon scented gums:

Against infinity and the blasting brilliance of midmorning sun.  That deep blue sky is not enhanced.  That’s the colour it is at the moment.  It means extreme UV ratings and a fierce light.  And heat.

against infinity against mid morning

slow dancer

A few blocks on is this tree – a survivor of car crashed and urban vandalism.

survivor  compelling

& finally – these two grace the Bowling club grounds:

tree shape   almost straight

I hope to go walking very early tomorrow morning before the heat so – hopefully, there will be more.

Hope you enjoyed 🙂