Birds against a MtLawleyShire sunset

These are taken of clouds in the eastern sky –

pigeons flocking against the light of storms clouds building at sunset:


the colours are slightly enhanced, the photos ‘noisy’ but I liked the effect:


and teh structure of the clouds was amazing:

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and ibis flying against softer clouds to the south-east:


A Summer Sunset over MtLawleyShire

It start gold and uncertain

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swathes of cloud offered promise

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and soon became great sweeps of gilded cream against the wash of crimson on the western horizon:

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and the light lowered, the sweeps of cream became gold and powerful

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dominating the sky in powerful washes

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as the light departed, they deepened into waves across the sky

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a desert upended

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rolling and rich

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the sky washed clean light blue and green is a wonderful contrast against rich reds and golds

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and across the evening, the ibis flew home


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even in detail, the sky retains the sand dune appearance


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as day departs, the hues alter, become richer, more vibrant,

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the untidy tatters of neon pink to the north-west contrasted with the red golds of those sweeping clouds

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but all things end, especially sunsets and as light departs, it gives a rich gift, deepening the colours

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changing them in some areas to crimson, and leaving the sky beneath the tattered veil of receding crimson and red, almost green and pale blue.

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All clean for the next day.

A slow MtLawleyShire sunset

After an oppressively hot day, the late afternoon clouded over.  It looked like rain, but there was none, although it was much cooler:


a group of ibis flew across the clouded sky towards their roost:

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and in the west, the sun was shrouded, casting a ring across striations of cloud:

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As it sank lower, it was reflected in, then seemed to bend the clouds, creating interesting shades amidst the layers:

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A hint of colour, sullen embers marking the meeting with the far horizon:

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barely making a reflection in art deco windows:

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I waited a few moments, but the day became duller.  I returned inside, uploaded the photos, checked outside and



The sky had exploded into late opulence:

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flaring crimson waves of light:


an upturned desert of red:


and it began to fade into purples and pinks:

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washing the lower part of the sky:

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leaving a luminous glow far down on the horizon:


Reflecting the heat, but hopefully not for tomorrow.  This was a selection from what was a remarkable and beautiful sunset, from subtle to outrageous 🙂

MtLawleyShire’s Ravens from Matilda Bay

My last 2 visits to Matilda Bay have been graced with visits from the ravens.  Wonderful birds, clever, personable and their personalities are so visible in face and carriage.

I love taking portraits.

Here we have contemplative, quizzical and slightly surprised

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The raucous:

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Quizzical and beautiful:

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and iconically disconcerting, even slightly creepy:


These, taken as this raven strutted along a stone wall, illustrate a sense of play – and possible threat:


slightly gangsterish: ‘you lookin’ at me?’

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MtLawleyShire would love to fly: birds at Matilda Bay

Birds – well, mostly seagulls.  Seagulls sitting, flying.  Oddly enough, they were well-behaved today because normally, the raucous scallywags are everywhere, squabbling and messing with the peace of mind of patrons at the tearooms.

So I photographed them sitting in the dappled shade of the plane tree:


Standing as though in a meditative trance or preening on the river’s edge:

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A little stranger standing quietly, possibly a fairy tern, and this seagull looking as though he’s going to have a go (he didn’t):

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Three short-billed corellas who flew in from an earlier post


and seagulls flying: towards the tables of the tearooms:

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over the river:


solitary but never alone: flying with your shadow:

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or your reflection:

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and this little guy playing at being Narcissus 😀


Now these – they came with the dolphins and left with them too.  Some I think are fairy terns, like this one:


but I am not sure of the others.  They were too far away.  But I loved their shape against sky or water:

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And that is the last post of MtLawleyShire’s visit to Matilda Bay.

I hope you enjoyed it.  I will go again…..


MtLawleyShire’s raven portraits at Matilda Bay

There are many birds at Matilda Bay, and I love them all, even the seagulls with their pristine feathers and terrible table manners 🙂  But perhaps my favourites are the ravens.  Some I almost know by sight now.  This one with his repaired wing is one I have photographed many times:


this one was near the carpark against the light:

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My friend with the repaired wing at the tearooms:

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Another one perched on the sprawling roots of a Moreton Bay fig tree at the end of the carpark:

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This fellow was sitting on fence posts by my car:


You lookin’ at me?  Well, yes I am, actually ’cause you’re beautiful!


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Then he answered a group of his friends from trees across the road and he was gone:


Now – how did this young fellow get in here? This juvenile magpie should be with his mum in the previous post 😀


I hope you don’t think I’m overdoing the ravens.  Next post – the delightful surprise.


A little walk in MtLawleyShire

It was a short walk around streets.  There weren’t many flowers, but these looked lovely with the lowering sun making them glow:

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a Grevillea peering over a garden wall:


It was too windy for the delicacy of bottlebrush flowers and I didn’t have much luck trying to capture the bee clearly:

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but the light coming through the confused shadows was rich:


I saw a pair of magpie larks – this is the one bird, its companion was up on the telephone wires

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The oblique light cast sundust over the streetscape:


a beautiful frangipani in a friend’s garden and her striking chilli plant:

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There was only a smear of sunset tonight:

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and the sky glowed in the east:


I hope you enjoyed these little souvenirs of a walk around a couple of blocks.

Next – the moon.  The new moon 🙂

Birds over MtLawleyShire

Sometimes I am lucky with timing and the camera

Ibis flying home, catching sunset in their wings:

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and this – a surprise visitor.  A young hobby falcon on the flats just behind my house:

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He hasn’t been back since.  I think he was newly fledged and looking for a territory.  I hope he found somewhere richer than my urban setting.


MtLawleyShire at Matilda Bay

An afternoon at Matilda Bay with a dear friend – not a cloud in the sky but, thankfully, it wasn’t too hot.

The light through the trees on the banks of the Swan River was magical:

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trees on the edge of this vast expanse of the salty river always intrigue me:


The Matilda Bay Cafe isn’t just a haven for humans – the ubiquitous inhabitants, the seagulls.  Squabbling, fighting, flying, thinking – I can’t help liking them:


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and they are beautiful, like all birds, in flight:

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and there was another in the skies:


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We were blessed by a glimpse of the endangered and beautiful Black Cockatoo.  They have come up to Perth as their remaining habitat is destroyed by logging and a drying climate:

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just a glimpse of the pretty yellow bottom of a wattled honey eater:


and the river was graced by its most dignified inhabitant:

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What magical moments will my next visit hold…

MtLawleyShire and the Ravens at Matilda Bay

An afternoon at Matilda Bay with a dear friend – and there were ravens everywhere. Adults and juveniles.  Some were so cheeky – playing peekaboo over our table:

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I never thought to do portraits of ravens, but these fellows were just irresistible:


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This fellow has had his wing fixed

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He was delightful


And this is the best of them all:


They are beautiful birds and I feel honoured to have had them in my camera.

I hope you enjoyed them as well 🙂