Birds against a MtLawleyShire sunset

These are taken of clouds in the eastern sky –

pigeons flocking against the light of storms clouds building at sunset:


the colours are slightly enhanced, the photos ‘noisy’ but I liked the effect:


and teh structure of the clouds was amazing:

birds_3 birds_4

and ibis flying against softer clouds to the south-east:


An intriguing MtLawleyShire sunset

It had been a strange day – hot and sultry and cloud cover almost such that rain was sure to follow.  It didn’t but the clouds were very interesting:

cloud_1  cloud_3


a tropical-looking sky:


the first hints of sunset revealed the texture of the clouds:

sunset_1 sunset_2


blazing in an art deco window:


the texture of those clouds – not tight enough for cloth of gold, too rumpled and filled with folds of shadow:

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the sun shine momentarily clear in a blaze of glory:

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the sun sank below the horizon and the clouds began to fill:

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they glowed, became luminous, spread all across the western sky:

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Intense and beautiful their structure changeable and :

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the colour grew richer:


intensified again:

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the wonderful contrasts between clear sky and cloud:

sunset_29  sunset_30


till it darkened;


and faded into coming night:


MtLawleyShire sunset – Feb, Friday 13th

Notwithstanding it is the date of a friend’s birthday, Friday the 13th has an aura of something other, usually dark, and this sunset reflected it.

A sky untidy with cloud presaged a sunset of scattered potential.  It began with gold, light delineating the complex cloud architecture and beauty so often lost to grey:

sunset_1  sunset_3

sunset_2  sunset_6

the light changed and deepened with gaps revealing clear sky behind the cloud play:

sunset_7  sunset_5

But there was a ‘smear’ of thin cloud amongst the cloud play:


As the sun descended, it became edged in golden threads:


Then the clouds caught the upward slanting blasts of light, changing into static explosions of gold against the darkness:

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That golden-edged cloud contrasted with the darker clouds rushing in to swamp the fire of remaining day:

sunset_11  sunset_18

overhead, cloud trails became golden sky calligraphy.  I see a unicorn escaping the conflagration below:

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then the gold became crimson and the pale blue of the sky behind like a painting of someone else’s winter dawn:

sunset_19  sunset_20

It deepened and became richer, contrasting with the larva bright below:

sunset_21   sunset_39


Magma of the clouds: their darkness failing to suppress the rage of dying day:

sunset_22  sunset_24

Fiery passionate moments in the ethereal cloud play of coming night:

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In the east, the sweep of colours was more muted but no less glorious


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Finally, night moved in, leaving last embers to flare and burn down into darkness.

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It was a magnificent sunset and I hope your enjoyed it.

For the moment, with cloudless skies, there are no more.  But – there are storms forecast for next week, so keep your fingers crossed 🙂





Awesome sunset over MtLawleyShire. Saturday Jan 24. #3: The Sunset

The clouds were just – the colours, the luminous air! Nothing does justice to what I saw this evening.

For one brief moment, there was a stillness behind the old house


but above –


I tried to get in all the sky but it was impossible

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That great cloud had lost all its grey and bollowed as gold as a sandstorm in a mythical Sahara

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the architecture of the cloud

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In this sequence, I try to show the all devouring aspect of those clouds, their apocalyptic facade

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and yet, almost imperciptibly, it begins to fade

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It loses nothing of its power as darkening sky creeps into the empty spaces s it still takes colour from the gold lining the horizon

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and from a greater distance, the golds and oranges, the vivid power of it were being subsumed by the darker tones of oncoming night



Next – the ending



A little walk in MtLawleyShire

It was a short walk around streets.  There weren’t many flowers, but these looked lovely with the lowering sun making them glow:

flower_2  flower_3

a Grevillea peering over a garden wall:


It was too windy for the delicacy of bottlebrush flowers and I didn’t have much luck trying to capture the bee clearly:

bee_2  bee

but the light coming through the confused shadows was rich:


I saw a pair of magpie larks – this is the one bird, its companion was up on the telephone wires

bird_1  bird_2

The oblique light cast sundust over the streetscape:


a beautiful frangipani in a friend’s garden and her striking chilli plant:

flower_5  flower_6

There was only a smear of sunset tonight:

sunset_1  sunset_3


and the sky glowed in the east:


I hope you enjoyed these little souvenirs of a walk around a couple of blocks.

Next – the moon.  The new moon 🙂

MtLawleyShire 2014 Calendars: Sunset (Landscape)

The photos for the landscape Sunset 2014 Calendar.  To come: (portrait) Sunset Calendar (different shots, often the same sunset) & 2 calendars of Matilda Bay.

It proved impossible to transport Publisher into WordPress – or at least I couldn’t figure out how to do it.   I would love to produce an A3 calendar, but finances won’t stretch to it. It will be A4 and the photos A5.  At least, being small, any flaws in the photograph will be likewise minimised 🙂

As you can see, there are many more photos than months, so not all of these will be chosen (& depending on tomorrow night’s sunset, maybe not all are included!!)

Let me know by Monday if you can.

This will be the cover.


These are not in any particular order (though definite inclusions are towards the end).

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sunset_l_2  sunset_l_3

sunset_l_15  sunset_l_13

sunset_l_12  sunset_l_6

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sunset_l_7  sunset_l_1

MtLawleyShire Sunset 23 October 2013

& there’s the last – taken last night.  The pattern of clouds was reminiscent of bushfire, though I am not aware there were any (MtLawleyShire in Perth is on the other side of the continent from the terrible fires in the Blue Mountains in NSW).

I hadn’t expected anything remarkable apart from its beauty:



The sun above the clouds was all glare:

sunset_3  sunset_4

Then it sank behind a film of cloud:

sunset_5  sunset_6


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And then – it sank between one cloud bank and the rest:

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leaving colour smeared across the sky

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and colour faded, leaving space for night:


And now I must return to self-imposed silence as I get on with finishing the PhD.

I am looking forward to catching up on all you blogs 🙂 & so is the sunset-lit Fattee Cattee







MtLawleyShire Sunset: 13 October 2013 – by Van Gogh

I had to post this – it was so unusual, so stunning, I wanted to share.

This sunset started out in an unspectacular fashion and continued as though there was a painter in the sky wielding a mystical brush, swathing a patch of sky in swirls of colour:


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and here come the swirls and sweeps of brushed on colour as though Van Gogh stepped up:

sunset_4  sunset_5


The swirled about light of the sun!

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A different painter stepped onto the stage for the last of it:

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A MtLawleyShire sunset

In May, early May, there was a sunset.  Of course, there are sunsets every evening, and some are more photogenic than others.  It had been a week of some lovely sunsets, some of which I will post later perhaps, but there’s been a couple of washed out ones as well.  This one stared quietly, colours mild, the sky subdued:

sunset_b2 sunset_b4

a cloud strayed in from the south, sunset faintly firing its edges:


Some clouds lifted to show clear streaks of sky behind.  Light played gentle colours through the shapes

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Drama crept in as dark clouds momentarily covered everything but where the sinking sun was:


The cloud was getting larger, more colourful:


Then something happened: pink spread behind the clouds – & by this time it was beginning to get properly dark:


Some other clouds lifted and the sun shot colour across the sky, under the clouds:


Then it went crazy – beautiful and utterly unexpected.  Even if it was really too dark for my little camera, I kept taking pictures


The clouds were utterly amazing:

sunset_2 sunset_8


& the colours, despite the dark on the ground, in the middle air where I stood, the sky was aflame:




& soon after that, it went dark, too dark for my little camera, & I know I missed some photos because I spent so long just watching it.

It was beautiful.

A walk in MtLawleyshire’s late afternoon

It started in my garden, with my sleepy cat waking (while purring) as I think a bird broke into her feline dreams

what  sun on tummee

I took some photos of flowers in my garden: a begonia glower and some lavender spears

begonia flower  lavender


My rose, heavy and fully open (in my garden in the afternoon, light goes quickly)

in the afternoonpink


Then I checked the flame trees around the corner.  They are looking very bare now

ready to flower

And look – the buds are ready to flower:

flame tree flower buds  ready to flower_2


Then there were clouds – we have had many days of dull skies, no sunsets, some rain, and these are the last of them.  I had great hopes for sunset – except these were in the east

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Down the street are the chinese tallow trees.  Fully wintered now – & I must post some I took of them in their autumn beauty, but I love them like this also:

chinese tallow  chinese tallow_2


Birds: in this Jacaranda tree lit by late sunlight, 2 doves hide from the invasive port lincoln parrots, and a wee New Holland honey eater has a quick meal on a bottlebrush before night:

doves  new holland


A magpie lark on a telephone pole and  wee singing honey eater:

magpie lark  honey eater


I am always fascinated by light on branches:

light on branches_2  light on branches_3


and on trees:

light on branches


Then Fattee Cattee came out from the shadows to sit in the sun:


determination  sunlit_2




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I left her there and walked to where I could see the sunset.  on the way, I saw these poinsettia, scarlet against the sky:



& roses in other people’s gardens: this glory against the sky



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reds & other colours:

rose_4  rose_6


Other colours & whites:

rose_10  rose_7


rose_9  rose_3


Sunsetty clouds

clouds_7  clouds_8

& sunset was all glarey.

sunset_2  sunset_1


Evening in the east was swift & dark:

eastern sky

en fin, the moon:

tonight's moon

Oh that felt good.  It is so long since I have posted all things in their right order.  I have so much to catch up on.  So I will post Autumn out of order, and try to catch up with winter.  And there are all the moon photos as well….
