MtLawleyShire visits Matilda Bay

On this dark wintry afternoon, I was at Matilda Bay and, as always, it was richly rewarding.  Where we usually sit, my friend & I, is beneath the flame tree.  Unlike those trees around the corner from my home, the Matilda Bay flame tree is not showing full flowers.  It is more reticent, perhaps because it is near the water so it’s a little cooler.  But there are one or two, and buds that are showing signs…

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There were, of course, birds:

Willy wagtail in the flame tree & a raven – not at the same time

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Swans & ducks on the river:

Matilda Bay_swans  Matilda Bay_ducks

the ubiquitous seagull

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but it was a dark day with storms threatening from all directions (& eventuated the moment I stepped in my house on my return!):

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the clouds & bared winter trees give some delightfully spooky shots:

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& wonderfully evocative cloud forms:

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Then, as always, there were the trees.  This is 1 or 2 plane trees – magnificent & I couldn’t find the right angle, but so pale and beautiful against the buildings of the University of Western Australia, and the building storm of sky:

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& this amazing tree:

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glorious on the edge of the road that skirts Matilda Bay:

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& 2 of my favourites in the reserve:

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It was a cold, shivery wonderful afternoon & now it’s dark and raining hard and my little courtyard is flooded.

Time for dinner 🙂


Rumble in MtLawleyShire

The other day I had to get some supplies in so off I trotted, full of flu, to Beaufort Street

I saw a raven fly up to the supermarket roof with something undoubtedly yummy in his beak.

On the roof opposite was an ibis.  Very curious.  It flew to investigate.  The raven flew to the air-conditioning unit atop another roof.

That’s when it started:

The ibis flew there and displaced the raven:


which was, understandably, miffed:


& had a go:



But no deal

The loser – standing like Godzilla, probably thinking similarly destructive thoughts:


which clearly did not bother the winner one little bit!
