a suburban memorium

I love the Singing Honeyeaters, and for a couple of years now, they have been visiting my little courtyard.  Last year, one couple nested.  This year, there were 2 couples.  One on the left side – in the ivy growing over the carport, and one on the right, in the untidy hedge over my neighbour’s pergola roof.

They have become accustomed to me, and I am sure the adults have swooped my fluffy friend as she tends to slink away when they’re around.

Over the last week, I had seen the adults with young ones in the spindly, vigourous potted trees on the right side of my little courtyard, and it was wonderful watching the adults swoop and hover, catching insects which they ferried to the peeping younglings.

On the other side, the youngling finally came out – and sat on the fence along the carport while the adults did the food thing. I watched for ages, coming out with the camera and going back in.  I was worried
cause the adults seemed to leave the wee one alone a lot.  But, although it seemed tempted by low flying insects, when i made a noise, it flew up out of reach.  OUt of reach of me – & the fluffy cat who seemed not the slightest interested.

I had to go teaching in the evening and when I came home, I found feathers in the study.

I knew – it was the wee fledging.

I haven’t seen it today, so yes, it is gone.

I cannot hate my cat.  She didn’t get many cuddles until I went to bed last night.  I am thinking of dissuading the honeyeaters from nesting here next year.

Today. there have been adults, and I have heard the peeping of young honeyeaters from the other side, but nothing where this little one had sat, peeping quietly and waiting.

So – all these photos.

In memorium.

a little life-filled fluffy feathered thing that is no more.












Goodbye, little one.



17 comments on “a suburban memorium

  1. niasunset says:

    so beautiful photographs… they are so lovely. But you know how makes me sad!
    Thank you dear Keira, love, nia


  2. kdkh says:

    I’m sorry. Our cat sometimes is similarly cat-like, to my disappointment.


    • yeah – it is very sad. & this morning, I have scared away the other mother & baby. I love having them in my garden, but I love them being alive more! The baby bird this morning was aobut to head down to pot plants & my cat was right beside me. I stamped my foot and mother scolded and scurried the baby away as I picked up my kuller fluffy darling and we both went inside. Baby bird is safe – for the moment.


  3. Anna says:

    keep fluffy inside when you are not around until the fledgelings have flown? I hate my cat, the overfed fish-breath!(and yes, I love him, too) Aaargh!


    • It’s not really feasible. & not fair on her either. Seriously, I didn’t think the wee one would be in danger, otherwise I would’ve made more noise so the paretns wouldn’t have brought it around


  4. bulldogsturf says:

    Food for thought… or food for the cat… that’s nature..!!!
    It is sad I know, but nature has it’s firing order and the cat is a little higher than the bird… you can’t blame the cat.. it’s nature… in any case you were lucky enough to capture the little one while it was alive…
    I witnessed a lion and her young cubs kill a young impala… the mother ambushed the young impala but kept it alive for her young cubs to kill… a lesson for them before they fed… one wanted to try and warn the youngster, but nature has to allow this to happen so that the young lion can survive… They are the top of the food triangle and without them the balance falls apart… it was a particularly ugly kill as the young lion still had not learnt the strangle hold… but such is life…
    Nice to see a post from you, know you’re busy, but still nice…


    • Yes, natural order rules, although in suburbia, where my little ‘lion’ is well fed, order can be disrupted & if I’d been home, it wouldn’t have happened. Fluffy would’ve been with me, I’d have heard something – she wasn’t really interested. Not while I was there. And yes, I’m glad I got the photos, I just hope the parents have learned. I haven’t seen any young ones today, not even from the othr nest.


      • bulldogsturf says:

        Your cats natural instinct has kicked in… you can’t prevent that… the parent birds will soon learn, if they can’t raise their young in that area…. they’ll move…


      • yep, though I have so enjoyed having teh honeyeaters around my garden in the last couple of years. It’s taken them that long to realize there is a garden here.


  5. Madhu says:

    Aww, how sad! Glad you didn’t witness the ….er murder! You can’t really interfere with the laws of nature can you?


  6. Van ikin says:

    Sad; the poor little thing.
    Yesterday, by sheer coincidence, I was standing outside the IGA supermarket at Duncraig (Arnisdale Rd) and noticed a parent-bird flying up into the rafters. (About 4 feet to the right of the entrance door, if anyone local is reading.) Sure enough there was a nest there, and when the parent returned on her next trip three little open beaks popped up, cheeping in expectation. I watched as long as I could … so it’s particularly poignant to have this reminder of what a tough and potentially short life these little critters face.
    I’m glad you don’t blame Plushie, because she was only following the same strand of survival-instinct that lead to the parent-bird being so nurturing….


    • yeah – I know all that. I’ve never known her to catch a bird before. But if the little one was one the ground, then I guess it was too tempting. Glad the ones at Duncraig are OK 🙂 The ones in the nest on the other side are still noiusy, but I did notice they weren’t in the garden today and usually they are…


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