Weekly Photo Challenge: Purple

Now, this was a difficult Weekly Photo Challenge.  Purple.  Purple?  Yes there are flowers, but not as many as I’d thought!  But I found other things with purplish swathes and shades:

In my garden:

Lavender last Spring & Iris:


Petunia and a pansy:


Inside my flat – flowers from a wedding:

& a straggly bush permanently producing these dear little flowers:

In the streets around MtLawleyShire –

Purple Lantana – a terribly destructive weed, but controlled, makes a wonderful display:

& these  – I don’t know their names:


Native wisteria (terrible photo) & purple daisy:


& this – love these flowers with their purple centres:

Wildflower from last year’s Kings Park Wildflower festival:

Jacaranda in full flower outside my university campus:

This wall is no longer visible as flats are being built in the empty space, & I actually took the photo for the fabric tree ‘planted’ there:

And then – skies.  Perth, in Winter, has pale pastel skies in the east just after sunset.  Sometimes, I can capture it:



and this the last remnants of sunset:

and this – just after sunset and don’t look too close – my little camera really isn’t that crash hot at such astronomical distances & low light:

I think, perhaps, some stretch the definition of purple, but hopefully, not too much.

Hope you enjoyed 🙂

(& once again, Zemanta has come up with nothing – shall update links as they happen)

18 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Purple

  1. Madhu says:

    Enjoyed all of them thank you 🙂 The skyscapes are wonderful really, and that Lantana looks quite innocuous! Have to say I am very Intrigued by that ‘adult shop’ sign! 😆


    • the skyscapes are my favourite, the lantana does look innocuous but really wreaks havoc if it escapes a garden or a gardener’s control and the adult shop sign? That shop has been on Beaufort street for a long time, so I’m guessing it does good business. You should see their window displays!! 😀


  2. niasunset says:

    what a beautiful colour… you did a wonderful photo challenge, fascinated me all, dear Keira, Thank you, love, nia


  3. eof737 says:

    Gorgeous flora and evening sky… Very romantic combination. 🙂


  4. semprevento says:

    it’s beautiful!!!!


  5. bulldogsturf says:

    I love what this challenge has produced.. magnificent posts from everyone including this one… magnificent…


    • 🙂 thanks – & you say that despite there being a dearth of trees? 😀


      • bulldogsturf says:

        I know how that PhD is so important and like any good boy, I sit patiently thumb in mouth, biting my tongue so as not to apply pressure… I’ve said before I want to be able to say I knew her when she got her PhD, but if you don’t shut up I’m going to begin complaining, how the hell am I supposed to learn from you if you post nothing? Now get back to work, get that damn PhD and then get out with the camera and please me… I’m beginning to demonstrated withdrawal symptoms…


      • Laughing!! Seriously laughing!! I am going out with the camera – I just don’t have time to post….you will have to continue learning that most hated of virtues: patience 🙂 (& that goes for me as well, ya know…)


      • bulldogsturf says:

        That’s alright as a young man I had to learn a patience that the body did not want, but one learnt it anyway, but thank God there was a women gathering something I could enjoy later on.. So continue to gather the photos, just don’t forget to share them with me at some later stage… remember like all things, a greater pleasure is experienced by those that have the patience… just remember I’m getting on in years and don’t have all the time in the world… so get to it !!!!


      • I ain’t intending to make thee & me wait years! Month or so…or maybe this coming week! Or even tomorrow! When I have a little time I’m not filling with painting writing thinking reading & taking photos 😀


      • bulldogsturf says:

        Now you have me salivating…


      • heh – just mind the camera…


      • bulldogsturf says:

        Running down my chin… lucky enough wrinkles to divert away from the camera…


      • collapsing over the desk with laughter


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