Far From MtLawleyShire #3 Trees

Trees.  The Araluen Botanical Garden is surrounded by them.  This is the third of four posts on my expedition to the Gardens.  No tulips this time, but flowers are still visible.  This post is devoted to trees.

Just before you get to the carpark, there is a bare patch because it’s a rose farm, but that’s not visible from the gardens.  Mostly they are native Australian trees with the odd plane tree or European spruce.  Basically, if the branches are bare, it’s not from around here.

And here are 2 examples: ghost-pale against the darker greens – though in the 2nd photo, some of those greens are conifers and it was raining too much t go and check what kind they were:

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the brilliant gold of flowering wattle lifts the subtle greens of the West Australian bush

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in some areas, the fact that it’s a park, not wilderness is visible

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in some areas, it looks like pure wilderness 🙂

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this massive tree on the lawns, with neighbouring ghost gum and the background of ghostly deciduous waiting for spring’s touch:

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and some of the shapes made wonderful silhouettes:


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2 comments on “Far From MtLawleyShire #3 Trees

  1. Anne McMullan says:

    love it

    Liked by 1 person

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