MtLawleyShire’s Kitchen Garden dragons

Kitchen Garden dragons – yes they are a thing, but first, the results of my PhD thesis are in and I got a first 🙂

No revisions, unqualified acceptance!!

Once admin is sorted, I will be a Doctor of Philosophy 😀

I am very happy.

And I have also been very busy drawing – unicorns:


‘Cloud’ – white pencil & chinograph on black card

& dragons – Kitchen Garden dragons to be precise:


The Memory Dragon with his plants – poppy, rosemary & rue (the herb of grace).

Coloured pencil on black paper


The Tranquility Dragon with his plants – st john’s wort, valerian (pink & white) and heartsease (pansies & violas).  Though he is not feeling too tranquil at the moment as there is a cat on his tail not letting him arise 🙂

Coloured pencil on black paper


The Rose Dragon – here with dog roses grown for their rosehips, along with their companion plants, geranium, marigold and mint.

Coloured pencil on black paper


And this panel, unfinished, with 4 kitchen garden dragons – lavender (along with nasturtiums), Borage, Chili and Basil (thai and sweet).  There are also pollinators – native australian bees and european honeybees, a caterpillar, ladybirds (on the chilli), cabbage moth and their destructive little caterpillars, and – strangely – a woodmouse.

Coloured pencil on black foamcore.

The flowers and plants in each are botanically correct and it’s a lot of work, but also very enjoyable.  Fattee Cattee doesn’t really enjoy me being so involved though and has managed to destroy one so I had to restart – and even on that one she inflicted (barely visible) damage.

So this is what I have been doing over the last few weeks.  I have been taking other photos, but more of those in posts to come, sunsets on teh beach, sculptures by the sea, flowers and the moon (though in Perth, the sky was clouded for the entire eclipse dammit).

So, see you soon 🙂