MtLawleyShire witnesses Sunset at the Beach

It’s a rare thing to venture so far from my environs at sunset time in the middle of the week – and to the edge of teh world?  The beach?  Well, the occasion was lovely and the opportunity not to be missed.  But a sunset out of MtLawleyShire!  An ‘un-urban’ sunset!  How would I cope? 😀

The afternoon moon smiled down as we made our way to one of Perth’s most loved beaches: Cottesloe.


After drinks and chat, it was time for sunset.  Elsewhere in the city, further south, there were storms.  They hadn’t happened here yet and I was sure sunset would be naught but glare.  How wrong I was.  There is something sublime watching the sun set, unhindered by the silhouettes or an urban environment, though even here, human-made silhouettes are present: the ships in Gage Roads, waiting to get into Fremantle Harbour.  And I loved the light play of cloud strips:

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These are a little out of sequence, but I loved using the Norfolk pines that grace the suburban beaches:

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The moon was gilded by the golden light spilling across the ocean


And the sun sank towards someone else’s dawn:

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I caught a seagull 🙂


And as the sun is pulled further below the horizon, the red glow of its farewell spreads:


In the darkening sky, the moon comes into her own:

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But all the drama is far to the west:

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Almost fully dark and the moon takes on the uncompromising white and black – no shades of grey or gold:


But the western sky flames:

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In the eastern skies, there is the serenity of uncomplicated white in black:


and in the west, finally, the light softens and calms with the last shades of farewell from day:


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A last view from a hotel window:

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and there is nothing left in the night but the quite beautiful moon:


I hope you enjoyed my excursion to the edge of the world 🙂