

This is a blog about living where I do, photos of where I live, comments on where I live.  For the moment, it is a vibrant eclectic place but there are changes afoot.

I am intrigued by how urban environments impacts on those who make the enviropnments, and how little power the inhabitants in an urban environment actually have: it’s council & developer-driven.

Mostly, it’s about Mt Lawley/Highgate/North Perth – the area I have lived in for more than a couple of decades – and nothing will be in any particular order.  Global warming/climate change will be mentioned, gardens, traffic and parking, zoning and re-zoning, public policy – all those things.  Photos of parks and gardens.  Comparisons and contrasts, loves & hates, likes & dislikes – they will get mentioned too.  These things colour my novels and stories, my poetry and artwork.  Where you live, the minutia within a city,  inflects the individual in so many aspects and reflects these to the rest of the country and the world.

There are many photos – of Hyde Park, the changing seasons, the water levels, the birds, the trees; – of gardens, mine and other people’s.  I only have a tiny courtyard. Of sunsets and moon rise.

All photos are copyright, but you can ask 🙂





31 comments on “About

  1. Cath says:

    Hi there. I found your blog when I googled Ron Stone Park 🙂 I am a member of Friends of Inglewood Triangle and we meet on Sunday mornings to weed the small area of bushland between Eighth Ave, Hamer Parade and Walter Road 8 – 10 am, not far from ECU. Come along if you can and I can show you some of the amazing wildflowers preserved in this tiny remnant of the original banksia woodland.


  2. Jackie says:

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog [http://fridayflowerfestival.wordpress.com]! I appreciate it very much. I’m sorry about the confusion as far as when the week begins and ends. I hope that did not put you off and you will still consider participating. I’m glad you visited my blog because I discovered your blog! I’ve enjoyed my visit here and I look forward to following your posts. 😀


  3. We have similar interests, the impact of the urban environment, although i blog more about the wild creatures and their adaptations to the increasing urban edge.


    • If I end up moving to Mandurah, then possibly that will enter into my blog as well, but at the moment, I live smack bang in teh middle of the city. No urban edges to be seen, except in the park, but while most disdain it for its European trees, I love it and birds seem to feel the same.


      • Somehow i misread your environment and development concerns. Yes, same divide here with alien vegetation…. xenophobia with a difference. I can understand eradicating the invasive species, but not those that have grown for decades and form part of the ‘historical’ landscape…


      • It is a strange & sometimes misguided xenophobia, you’re right. I really mourn what they’ve done to the century-old plane trees, and just recently. And it’s not just that they’ve been planted in Hyde Park – they are throughout the city, as they are in most Australian cities. I’ve read somewhere that in some areas, the ‘introduced’ species have become an intrinsic part of teh environment, not native, but no longer invasive and should not e eradicated as the particular ecosystem has changed and the new ‘natives’ now form an intrinsic part of it.


  4. Bams Triwoko says:

    Hi… nice to meet you.. 🙂
    Thank you for taking time to stop by my blog.
    Greeting from Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. becky6259 says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by Mrs. City Boy and liking my post! I really like your pictures of clouds here on this About page — they are fantastic!


  6. Herman says:

    Thank you for following HoB. Much appreciated! I’ll be hanging around here…


  7. […] 1. Keira from mtlawleyshire […]


  8. Lovely to meet you. It’s good to meet someone who’s settled, and deeply rooted in one place – a perspective on things so different to my peripatetic life … but change is afoot, though I have no idea yet where I’ll choose to settle at last. I did once live in Perth, in 1972 … a very singular place. I’ll enjoy reacquainting myself with the west through your gorgeous pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you 🙂 in 1972, we were just settling in having moved from my home city of Melbourne. And to be frank, there is a great deal of Perth I dislike. It’s a ‘boom town’ with all the mining up north, and all the bloated fat cats are redesigning the city. And Mt Lawley is sadly going to become one of those ‘trendy’ places and has alreayd started to lose its charm. But yes, there is beauty here. You would find it hugely changed, I think – & parts not for the better. But I will continue my photographic ways & hope you continue to enjoy them. My next post: Beyond and Above MtLawleyShire will give you some perspectives of the whole city – sadly limited by a camera not made for long wide shots. One day, I’ll buy a bigger than my little (albeit awfully good) point-and-shoot. 🙂 Keira


      • Oh, the curses of gentrification! You have been there a good while … I wonder what made you move all that way from Melbourne, and then keep you there? I’ll be interested to learn the answers to these questions, and more, through your photos:)


  9. Roxxroxx says:

    I blog mostly about where I live too – in Bangkok. Nice blog – I am following.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. vonarief says:

    my first visit,, thanks,, meet you,,

    Liked by 1 person

  11. antiquityandadventures says:

    Hiya, thanks for the follow just been having a wander around your blog and very good it is too… noticed you come from Perth, Friends of ours have just emigrated to your part of the world and our really enjoying themselves ..it looks stunning 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • thanks 🙂 I’m looking to leave – I don’t like the heat. I want to go somewhere where it still rains…living in the worst drought for approx 750 is draining


      • antiquityandadventures says:

        I can Imagine , they said it,s been uncomfortable with the heat. Must admit i like the good ole rainy days we get here.. 🙂


      • yep. And no sign of it getting anywhere near cool enough to call Autumn let alone winter till June this year, which is not OK.


  12. Sunshine says:

    Hello!! I’m Chuckles from Simply Charming and Sunshine wanted me to deliver this to you: http://wp.me/p1RzUf-Pz
    No obligations, she just wanted to share some sunshine that recently came her way! Have a wonderful day! 🙂


  13. Sunshine says:

    Thank you for stopping over and may I add, I’m delighted to read about you and your blog home. I loved your Urban Sunset post. It was beautiful.
    ~Abundant power and blessings for your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. mefreckles says:

    hello & thank you for following me too !
    am looking forward to seeing your posts of perth – somewhere i dream about


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