MtLawleyShire at Matilda Bay

It was hot and humid at Matilda Bay, and the city was shrouded in a mixture of humid haze and smoke from ever-present bushfires when viewed across the river:

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Light on the plane trees made them appear almost autumnal:

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but I can assure you, it was anything but!

Walking to the tearooms for lunch with a dear friend, I passed a convivial duck:

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a magpie with a juvenile whining and begging for food:

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A gracious view of the river framed by two old peppermint trees  – and a smaller one that looks almost delicate in the light:

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A shade-giving Moreton Bay fig leaning towards the water

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and then these – cypress and others as I approached the tearooms:

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As I walked into the tearooms, I was greeted by a magpie lark:

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Then I was joined by my friend.  As we chatted, a flock of short-billed corellas swooped by, calling and screeching, in threes and twos:

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and in a larger flock, swooped over the river to join a larger flock to roost in one of the larger trees on the other side of the tearooms:


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From under the plane tree, the view across the river was serene, despite the haze.  We saw dolphins, ravens, watched the antics of the seagulls – all of which are included in the following posts.

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It was time to go, so I said goodbye to the trees, including this graceful moreton bay fig:

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Smiled at a seagull appropriating a seat, although he wasn’t gazing over the river as people usually do, and here’s a wee bottlebush flower.  There were bees, but I wasn’t fortunate enough to catch any.

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I hope you enjoyed this little stroll.  Next post: raven portraits, then the dolphins…and more birds 😀