MtLawleyShire – some flowers and birds

Nothing startling, just a quick post – well, it was supposed to be, except the uploading process went a bit strange.  Nonetheless, most photos have been successfully uploaded (I had to abandon the tree photos), so here is the year so far in flowers and birds – with a few from West Perth.  I think it has been so unremittingly dry that the roses are just not doing so well, and there is also no-one around to water the gardens.  But there were a few:

West Perth Roses:

yellow rose

west perth roses  west perth rose

&, most surprising, a sunflower on a street verge – not common in West Perth, I assure you!

west perth sunflower

Flowers around MtLawleyShire:

sunset_rose  sunset_rose_2


In an abandoned garden – the apricot rose. It flowers and grows, surrounded by the straw-like remains of grass.

a trio  apricot

Hibiscus – they are such wonderful subjects, in glowing red:

hibiscus_1  hibiscus_2


white hibiscus

or black and white to play with light & shadow:

hibiscus  hibiscus_2

the flowers of a coral gum:

coral gum  coral gum


agaisnt the sky  fallen


startlingly delicate, this pale purple thing, and tiny white flowers from a straggling spiny thing in my garden:

delicate  tiny flowers

And now some birds.  They aren’t in my garden so much any more because one of their nesting places has been destroyed, but they are around:

A family of New Holland Honey eaters in a  Grevillea bush:


they were singing and calling (they have a lovely song)

hiding_2  hiding_3

And this is why: a young New Holland:


& here – a young singing honey eater.  He was so scared.  His mother is just out of shot ona  higher branch.

baby singing honey eater

I hope to post more, including my walk home from work on New Year’s Eve.

I hoped you enjoyed my flowers & birds.


2 comments on “MtLawleyShire – some flowers and birds

  1. Rainee says:



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