MtLawleyShire inspired art

The Nest – an A3 sized,Β  pencil and charcoal and I completed recently.

It didn’t win any awards, it didn’t sell, but it did receive good reviews.

It was inspired by the Moreton Bay figs of Hyde Park (though I don’t usually see dragons nesting in them) and as you have all inspired me to continue taking photos, as some of you post examples of your art, I thought I would do the same.

I wish I could take a better photo of it.

swancon drawing

Keira πŸ™‚

12 comments on “MtLawleyShire inspired art

  1. Joanna Fay says:

    Beautiful, Keira. Just love it! πŸ™‚ xx


    • thanks, Jo. But *what* am I going to do with it πŸ˜€


      • Joanna Fay says:

        Hang it in place of pride on your wall? Wait till I’ve sold stacks of novels and sell it to me?
        Get all your friends to share it on FB and Twitter to rustle up a buyer? (I just did, btw…you never know….) πŸ™‚ xx


      • heh – Jo – there’s no room on my walls, but if we find a buyer, then I will be having to thank you with something for your own walls …


      • Joanna Fay says:

        Aww….s’ok, ’tis obligation free (not that I’d mind an artwork). Says she….I have a tapestry that’s been rolled up for four years…which I really *should* try to sell….:)


      • really chuckling now πŸ™‚ It is sad, though, when we can’t do something with hte stuff we make – display or sell so others than display. And we keep making…


      • Joanna Fay says:

        Well….I just write now….it doesn’t take up much room…and it’s selling! πŸ˜€ But something in me must not want to let go of the last tapestry…….


      • In my mind I included writing in the making – it mightn’t take up room on walls, but does in many other ways and unlike you – my growing collection of stories doesn’t sell. Sigh. Yet I keep going. And I can well understand not wanting to let the tapestry go…


      • Joanna Fay says:

        Keep writing…..the right connecting point will come….oh, I know what you will say, lol..;)
        Re the tapestry, I am going to make a concerted effort to finish the hemming and mounting and at least get it on a wall, even if it’s at home! We shall see……..xxxx


      • when not doing leson prep & marking – I am writing/drawing. Always πŸ™‚ & I’d love to know that that tapestry is on a wall – somewhere! xx


  2. niasunset says:

    This is beautiful dear Keira, I loved it. Thanks and Love, nia


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